Economic Theory





Working Papers


The theory group brings together permanent faculty and PhD students on both campus, at ENS Paris-Saclay and Evry Paris-Saclay. Research topics cover a wide range of subfields: contract theory, behavioral economics, decision theory, experimental economics, game theory, general equilibrium, market design, matching, mechanism design and social choice.

The group participates actively at the Paris-Saclay Seminar, a weekly general research seminar on Thursdays at 12.15pm. Two dedicated seminars are organized:

  • The Economic Theory Seminar, on Fridays at noon, twice per month.
  • The Virtual Market Design Seminar, an open online and inter-institutional seminar, in cooperation with the University of Bonn, University of Cologne, KIT and ZEW. It takes place bi-weekly on Mondays at 4pm.

The faculty is raising third-party funding to organize on regularly basis scientific events in Paris and abroad.

© Max Langelott / Unsplash


Faculty members & PhD Students
Olivier Bos, Professor ENS Paris-Saclay
Stefano Bosi, Professor University of Evry Paris-Saclay
Michael Greinecker, Associate Professor ENS Paris-Saclay
Thai Ha-huy, Assistant Professor University of Evry Paris-Saclay
François Pannequin, Associate Professor ENS Paris-Saclay
Morgan Patty, Assistant Professor ENS Paris-Saclay
Maria-Eugenia Sanin, Associate Professor University of Evry Paris-Saclay
Vincent Martinet, Associate Professor Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, ENS Paris-Saclay
Xianguy Qu, Associate Professor University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbone, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay
Hengrina Ly, PhD Student University of Rouen & ENS Paris-Saclay
Cyril Rouault, PhD Student ENS Paris-Saclay
Patrick Lahr, Postdoctoral Research Fellow ENS Paris-Saclay
Pierre Monteiller, PhD student University of Evry Paris-Saclay
Martin Pollrich, University of Bonn

Past Seminars

Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies Revisited

Revue économique Vol. 74, pp. 613-618, 2023

Michael Greinecker (ENS Paris-Saclay)

Entry in First-price Auctions with Signaling

International Journal of Game Theory, vol. 52, pp. 423-450, 2023

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Tom Truyts (UC Louvain)

Signalling in Auctions for Risk-Averse Bidders

PLOS One, 2022

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Sander Onderstal (University of Amsterdam) & Francisco Gómez Martínez (University of Fribourg)

Intragenerational inequality aversion and intergenerational equity

European Economic Review; vol. 144, 2022

Vincent Martinet (Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, ENS Paris-Saclay) & S. Del Campo & R. Cairns

Could the environment be a normal good for you and an inferior good for me? A theory of context-dependent substitutability and needs

Resource and Energy Economics, vol. 69, 2022

M. Duproux & Vincent Martinet (Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, ENS Paris-Saclay)

Pairwise Stable Matching in Large Economies

Econometrica, Vol 89, No 6, pp 2929-2974, 2021

Michael Greinecker (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Christopher Kah

Auctions with Signaling Concerns

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol. 30(2), pp. 420-448, 2021

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Tom Truyts (UC Louvain)

Signalling in Auctions: Experimental Evidence

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 187, pp. 448-469, 2021

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Francisco Gómez Martínez (University of Fribourg) & Sander Onderstal (University of Amsterdam) & Tom Truyts (UC Louvain)

Ecological Economists: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?

Ecological Economics, vol. 179, 2021

H. Levrel & Vincent Martinet (Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, ENS Paris-Saclay)

Growth and long-run sustainability

Environment and Development Economics; vol. 26, issue 4, p. 381-402, 2021

R. Cairns & Vincent Martinet (Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, ENS Paris-Saclay)

Charitable Asymmetric Bidders

Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 22(2), pp. 320-337, 2020

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay)

Risk and Unraveling in Labor Markets

Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 129, pp. 127-144, 2018

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Martin Ranger (University of Bonn)

An exact Fatou’s Lemma for Gelfand Integrals by Means of Young Measure Theory

Journal of Convex Analysis, Vol 24, No 2, pp 621-644, 2017

Michael Greinecker (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Konrad Podczeck

Charity Auctions for the Happy Few

Mathematical Social Sciences, vol 79(C), pp. 83-92, 2016

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay)

Agreeing on Efficient Emissions Reduction

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 118(4), pp. 785-815, 2016

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Béatrice Roussillon (Université Grenoble Alpes) & Paul Schweinzer (Universität Klagenfurt)

All-Pay Auction with Polynomial Rewards

Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 115-116, pp. 361-377, 2014

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay) & Martin Ranger (University of Bonn)

Wars of Attrition and All-Pay Auctions with Stochastic Competition,

Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol. 48(2), pp. 83-91, 2012

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay)

Economic Theory and Sustainable Development: What can we preserve for future generations?

Routledge, Oxon (United-Kingdom), 2012

Vincent Martinet (Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, ENS Paris-Saclay)

How Lotteries Outperform Auctions

Economics Letters, vol. 110(3), pp. 262-264, 2011

Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay)