Lecture on Monotone Comparative Statics

John Quah (Johns Hopkins University & National University of Singapore)

Dec 06, 2023, 17:00

ENS Paris-Saclay



In this lecture, I will give a quick survey of the following topics:

1. Comparative statics for one-dimensional optimization problems 

2. Supermodular Games 

3. Comparative statics for multi-dimensional optimization problems 

4. The interval dominance order

If time allows, I will cover the following topics, all of which involve decision making under uncertainty.

5. Comparative statics of optimization problems under uncertainty; related to this, the aggregation of the single crossing property 

6. Bayesian games with monotone decision functions; for example, first-price auctions

7. Comparative information and the complete class theorem


ENS Paris-Saclay, Room 2E29, 4 avenue des Sciences, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette.