2023 CEPS PhD Workshop
This workshop is dedicated to the current and previous CEPS PhD students available on the job market in 2023-2024. They will present their job market paper, and could meet the full faculty beyond their field to benefit from their experience and gather advises. Attendance is opened to non-affiliated faculty. Registration is then required by October 21st.
Please bring your official Paris-Saclay University ID in order to access the building.
9h Welcome Coffee
Location: Salle polyvalente (Maupertuis building)
9h30 – 10h30 Session 1 (Chair: Mathieu Crozet),
Presentations: Amphi up (Maupertuis building)
Ninon Moreau-Kastler (ENS Paris-Saclay): "No blood in my mobile: regulating foreign suppliers"
10min Break
10h40 – 11h40 Session 2 (Chair: Natacha Raffin), Room tba
Malak Kandoussi (University of Evry Paris-Saclay): "A New Norm? Exploring the Shift to Working From Home in the Post-Pandemic Labor Market"
11h40 – 12h10 Coffee Break
Location: Salle polyvalente (Maupertuis building)
12h15 – 13h15 CEPS Seminar (Chair: tba), Room tba
Guillaume Bazot (Université Paris VIII): "Central banks and the absorption of international shocks (1890-2021)", co-authored with Eric Monnet and Matthias Morys
13h15 Lunch
Location: Salle polyvalente (Maupertuis building)
14h30 – 15h30 PhD Session 3 (Chair: Jérôme Hericourt), Room tba
Juan Daniel Hernandez (ENS Paris-Saclay): tba
10min Break
15h40 – 16h40 PhD Session 4 (Chair: Michael Greinecker), Room tba
Yao Thibaut Kpegli (ENS Paris-Saclay): "Non-parametric Measurement of Prospect Theory: Random Probability Weighting Approach"
17h00 –17h30 CEPS General Meeting
17h30 Goodbye Drink
Location: Salle polyvalente (Maupertuis building)
More information
University of Evry-Val d'Essonne
Centre for Economics at Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment Maupertuis (in front of Ile de France building), 23 Boulevard François Mitterrand 91025 Evry
Organization Committee
Olivier Bos
Grégory Verdugo
Administrative Support & Registration Office
Oscar Peña
Christelle Lebosse